Written by contributing blogger, Christine Martin.
By now, your little ones have posed in front of the school bus, classroom home, or outside your door holding a sign saying "Carrie's 1st day of kindergarten" (enter name and grade). The new pencils have been sharpened and maybe already lost and their backpacks are full of school life including notices of upcoming events and a half eaten string cheese stick.
While there may be aspects of your kid's education that you would change, it is important to consider those children who try to carry on with school in difficult conditions. This article in the Huffington Post beckons compassion towards kids who struggle with having their basic needs met. As Catherine Meek, director of School On Wheels, shares:
"How can a seven-year-old child learn when she has not slept the night before because she's scared and hungry and doesn't know where she'll sleep that night? How can we expect a 15-year-old to care about graduating when he has to study in a closet because the shelter lights have been turned off?"
The article offers several organizations like School On Wheels that commit to improving conditions for kids to pursue their learning. Take a moment with your child to express gratitiude for the ways in which education happens for them. Perhaps by acknowledging the difficulties of others, we can be motivated to take full advantage of our opportunities while acting to help others have them as well.
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