Children Inspire Design supports a driving force stronger than any, the one that makes the world go around- mothers. Recently, we've taken our passion for supporting mothers a step further by creating the One Mother to Another Initiative. Despite geographical and cultural differences, we are all connected by the love a mother has for their children. To be able to see them smile. To create hope in their eyes. To give them a life.
Every product in Children Inspire Design's One Mother to Another line is created by hands from mothers in impoverished areas in Mexico and Haiti. The work in making the products offer creative expression. The money they earn through fair trade of these products offer economic opportunity, which provides independence and a lesson to their children, especially girls, that women can become strong and successful, that they can control their own future.
When you buy one product, we buy two more from them. That gives them the ability to buy food, clothing, opportunity for their children. It also gives them a chance to grow their business, to invite more women to work. Ultimately, to take more power.
You can view OMTA products here.
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