For years I've stood by my belief that pairing art + giving can be a strong force for social change. 2 years ago, I was given the opportunity to prove that by partnering with Gain Health to create a piece of art that tells a story of global compassion. All proceeds from that compassion map (in a 2 month period) were donated to their program, Future Fortified. In the end, we raised enough money to provide much needed nutrients to infants and children in Kenya- 8,000 children for an entire month.
It was my biggest success story. Still is.
This year I'm breathing new life to our One Mother to Another Initiative by spearheading a community of women who want to use the power of social media to raise awareness and funds to global women and children focused initiatives.
How can I play a part?
The concept is pretty simple. I make the art. You, as a part ot the OMTA community, share the story of the art and the organization we support. All art purchased through our site will be donated to the chosen org. They get needed funds to support their women and children focused initiative. We get to be proud to play a part in social change.
Launch date
On February 1st, we'll be launching the first art + organization pairing. We'll offer a piece of art from our site for a week designated to that org. 100% proceeds raised will be donated. Then we'll do it again with another org. And again. And again.
If I could raise enough money from one print to provide nutrients to 8,000 children in Kenya for a month, imagine what we can do together.
Be a catalyst
If you'd like to join our community of like minded moms, who want to use their social media communities to help women and children globally, please send an email to me at rebecca@childreninspiredesign.com. I'll send detailed information when the time gets closer to Feb 1.
I hope you'll be a part of our newest project and our growing community of changemakers. Your little ones will witness you taking steps toward global change. You'll be teaching them well.
For a list of orgs we've worked with in th past, see here.
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